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The Tao of Employee Motivation

Help Your Team and Organization Avoid the Apathy Trap

A professional in a striped shirt sits next to their computer looking bored

The contemporary workplace, characterized by its fast-paced and ever-changing nature, is now facing a less visible but critical challenge: the increasing prevalence of employee apathy. This challenge poses a significant challenge for leaders and organizations alike. Recent findings from the ADP Research Institute paint a concerning picture: motivation among American workers has noticeably declined, with a majority indicating a lack of deep engagement with their jobs.1 This trend not only signals a shift in workplace dynamics but also calls for a critical examination of the underlying factors contributing to this growing sense of disconnection.

A recent Deloitte article offers valuable insights on the causes of this widespread apathy. It suggests that traditional remedies like pay raises, revamped office spaces, and team-building activities may fall short in addressing a core issue: the unmet psychological needs of employees. These include feeling undervalued or unrecognized, lack of opportunities to utilize their talents, or simply not finding meaning in their tasks. Furthermore, a lack of progress and development—something that is often overlooked in conventional motivation strategies—can cause workers to feel as if they’re stuck in a rut.  2

The implications of neglecting these aspects of employee motivation are far-reaching. Highly motivated and committed workers are less likely to leave an organization and typically exhibit higher productivity. 1 Conversely, the persistence of employee apathy and a disengaged workforce can lead to increased turnover and reduced output in the short and long term, ultimately undermining an organization's culture.

But it goes both ways. Culture can be harmed by apathy, but it can also be one of its contributors. Therefore, fostering a workplace culture that inspires and nurtures employee motivation is essential for any organization’s sustained health and success.

The Science of Motivation & Fulfillment

When it comes to employee motivation, a human-centered approach and a nuanced understanding of the spectrum of individual needs are crucial for developing more effective engagement approaches. In this section, we’ll discuss some of the psychological imperatives that are often overlooked.

Autonomy & Trust

The need for autonomy refers to the desire to have control over one's work and make independent decisions. When employees feel they have a say in their work and its outcomes, they are often more invested. They also want to trust and be trusted. Micromanagement and lack of autonomy may signal distrust and lead to resentment and apathy. 

Relatedness & Belonging

Relatedness is about feeling connected to others, being part of a team or community, and having a sense of belonging within the organization.

Recognition & Appreciation

Most employees need to feel that their contributions are recognized and valued. This includes not just formal recognition like awards and promotions but also informal recognition like verbal praise and acknowledgment.

Fairness & Equity

The need for fairness involves feeling that one is being treated justly within the workplace. This includes equitable compensation, fair policies, and unbiased treatment from management.

Security & Stability

This encompasses the need for job security and a stable work environment where employees don't feel constantly at risk of losing their jobs or facing unpredictable changes.

Professional Growth & Development

Employees often seek personal and professional growth opportunities. This includes not only career advancement but also the chance to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and expand their knowledge.

Meaning & Purpose

Employees are increasingly looking for meaningful work that aligns with their values. They want to feel that their work has a purpose beyond just earning a paycheck.

Though most employees are motivated by the needs on this list to some degree, not everyone is motivated by the same things or for the same reasons. A prominent theory of motivation—McClelland's Theory of Needs—also offers valuable insights into needs based on the individual in question. This theory identifies three primary motivators that drive individuals:

  • Achievement: Some employees are primarily motivated by the need to set and accomplish challenging goals, seeking to excel and take pride in their achievements.
  • Power: Others are driven by the need for influence or control over their environment or others, desiring to lead and make an impact.
  • Affiliation: Some are motivated by the need for personal relationships and a sense of belonging, valuing collaboration and team dynamics.

Understanding which of these motivators is most influential for each team member can be key to tailoring strategies that effectively engage and inspire them.

In addition to personal and psychological needs, employees may also require certain structural or organizational conditions to feel motivated and to thrive. 

The Two-Factor Theory, also known as Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, was developed by Frederick Herzberg in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This theory suggests that two sets of factors influence motivation and satisfaction in the workplace: Motivators and Hygiene Factors.


These include many of those we’ve already listed such as recognition, autonomy, meaning, professional growth, and so forth.

Hygiene Factors

These can lead to dissatisfaction if they are absent or inadequate but do not necessarily motivate employees when improved, such as company policies, supervisory practices, salary, job security, and working conditions.

So, it’s essential not only to ensure that the right motivators are present, but also to confirm that hygiene factors are adequately addressed. If hygiene factors do not align with or support employee needs, it might not matter how many motivational needs are being met.

Cultural and Tactical Ways to Reignite Your Workforce

Considering the numerous motivational needs of employees, leaders and organizations need to adopt a multifaceted approach to increasing motivation and reducing apathy in the workplace. Here are some actionable strategies:

Highlight Purpose and Meaning

Employees are more engaged when they understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture—esepcially if it’s aligned with their core values. Clearly communicate the organization's vision and how each role adds value. Encourage managers to connect individual tasks to the company mission to give a sense of purpose and increase morale.

Address Both Types of Needs

It's crucial to address both the motivational and hygiene factors identified by Herzberg. This means not only ensuring fair pay, good working conditions, and job security (hygiene factors) but also fostering a sense of achievement, recognition, and growth opportunities (motivators). Regularly assess and address gaps in these areas to maintain a balanced and motivating work environment.

Respect the Right to Disconnect

Recognize the importance of work-life balance and do not expect employees to be available during their personal time (unless being on-call is in their job description). Modern employment is increasingly focused on respecting personal time and autonomy. Allowing employees to disconnect and recharge is not just a courtesy but a necessity for sustained motivation and productivity. Some organizations have even begun switching to a four-day workweek to give their employees more time to recharge. This 32-hour schedule has been shown to increase worker productivity and satisfaction significantly. 2

Address Underlying Causes

Be attentive to personal or professional issues impacting an employee's motivation. Stressful work situations and relationships can be demotivating. Likewise, issues at home can have a big impact on one's work. Consider providing resources and support structures within the organization to assist employees in managing these challenges. Also, consider other underlying demotivators, such as misalignments between an employee's professional aspirations and their current role. Explore ways to adjust responsibilities or provide new opportunities that better match their interests and skills.

Set Clear Goals and Benchmarks

Ambiguity and lack of progress are significant demotivators. Use Locke's Goal Setting Theory to set specific, challenging, yet attainable goals. 3  Regularly review these goals with employees and celebrate milestones to maintain momentum and motivation.

Encourage/Support Learning and Growth

Continuous learning and professional development are key motivators. Invest in training programs, workshops, and other educational opportunities. This not only enhances skills but also shows employees that their organization is invested in their future.

Connect and Appreciate More

Foster a culture of appreciation and open communication. Regularly ask employees what they need and listen to their feedback. If you notice someone disengaging, rather than going silent yourself—which only serves to deepen the chasm—engage them in conversation to understand their needs and concerns. Genuine interest and understanding can reveal what might be lacking in their work experience.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a more dynamic, engaging, and fulfilling work environment. These approaches not only address the immediate issue of apathy but also help to build a foundation for long-term employee satisfaction and organizational success.

Final Thoughts

Leaders and organizations hold significant power in shaping a work environment and culture that actively counters low motivation and apathy. But, this culture must be multi-dimensional. It is not just about the physical space or the policies in place; it's about broadening our focus to cultivate a sense of belonging, purpose, and appreciation. When employees feel understood, valued, and aligned with their work, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed.

By championing a dynamic culture that values and addresses the diverse needs of employees, you can ignite a powerful drive in your workforce. This journey to a more motivated and vibrant workplace is continuous and evolving, requiring thoughtful leadership and a genuine commitment to the well-being and development of every team member, including yourself.


  1. Bloomberg. (2023, September 6). American worker motivation is falling this year, new data shows. Bloomberg.
  2. Deloitte. (n.d.). The time is now to awaken the apathetic workplace. Deloitte Insights. Retrieved from
  3. Mind Tools. (n.d.). Locke's Goal-Setting Theory. Retrieved 2023, Dec. 2, from
  4. HR Cloud. (n.d.). The science of employee motivation: Understanding what truly drives performance. Retrieved from
  5. Young Entrepreneur Council. (2023, May 26). 11 effective strategies for reigniting motivation in the workplace. Forbes.…