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Homa Bahrami

Senior Lecturer, Haas School of Business

headshot of Homa Bahrami

Homa Bahrami is an international educator, advisor, board member, and author, specializing in organizational flexibility, team alignment, and dynamic leadership in global, knowledge-based industries. She is a senior lecturer at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley and a faculty director at Berkeley Executive Education, and has served on the Board of the Haas Center for Teaching Excellence.

She is the co-author of a major textbook (with Harold Leavitt, Stanford University), ”Managerial Psychology: Managing Behavior in Organizations,” published by the University of Chicago Press, and translated into many languages. Her latest book, “Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises,” (second edition published by Springer and co-authored with Stuart Evans, Carnegie Mellon) focuses on practical approaches for strategizing, organizing, and leading knowledge workers based on their collective experience and field research in Silicon Valley during the past 30 years.

Bahrami has served on the boards of directors of three public technology companies and has been a member of all three board committees: audit, compensation, and governance. She is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors and is active in executive education and executive development in the U.S., Europe, and Asia.


Academic Background
  • PhD, Organizational Behavior, Aston University
  • MSc, Industrial Administration, Aston University
  • BA with Honors, Sociology & Social Administration, Hull University
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