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524 Results

"Unlike anything I have ever done before. So broadly applicable to work and life!"

Program Participant, November 2023

"I have to speak in front of leaders fairly often - there were great tips here that I need to KEEP PRACTICING in order to truly see the improvement, but I know I can get there!"

Program Participant, January 2024

"This program helps so much in communication and brings people together. Best course. A must take!

Sr. Product Manager, Hewlett Packard Enterprises

"I really appreciate the communication tools like ladder of abstraction, five point centering, the use of hooks in the presentation and the persuasion techniques."

CEO, Nirvana Group

"It provided tools, techniques and material to help you be more prepared and breath confidence into your presentation. It was all about talking less and learning about a clean/clear pitch."

Sr Technical Program Manager, Snowflake

"I have learned a lot about what really needs to be focused on as a product manager. I now understand what needs to be considered when developing a product and to focus on the customer benefits primarily, not just the product features."

Product Development Manager, Glidewell

"I gained many tips and actions that I can easily implement that will allow me to be a better leader and hopefully drive a high-performance culture at my organization."

Program Participant, March 2024

"I have learned new skills that were certainly outside my comfort zone but I am sure will positively impact my career, my team & my organization."

VP Sales, Dal-Tile Corporation

"Interactive program that will leave you with valuable tools to impact your team and continue to develop your authentic self as a leader."

Director of Business Operations, Dassiet Vet

"A wonderful and useful experience and so glad I took the step. The cohort was also absolutely great and added a lot of value to the experience."

Head of Channel Sales, Google Cloud

"I would recommend this to anyone looking to align their strategy and culture and strengthen their leadership presence in the process."

Program Participant, April 2024

"Extremely dynamic professor who provided data and direction to give us the "why" we should do what we leaned about."

Program Participant, April 2024